Inventory Packages

Summer Travel

Seasonal Streaming TV

Ride the wave of summer vacation with travel-themed Inventory Packages

As the travel industry rebounds after COVID, 2023 is set to be a banner year for travel in the UK, and marketers can help consumers find their dream vacations by targeting relevant supply with full-funnel campaigns. Inventory Packages can help you reach the right audiences at scale and efficiently drive conversions.​

Available: Globally

¹Statista, 2023

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Number of outbound holidays from the UK in 2022 —a number expected to grow this year to reach pre-pandemic levels.¹

Customise for brand awareness or performance goals

Customise for brand awareness or performance goals

icon for brand awareness

Brand awareness

Boost awareness by targeting based on streaming or online video across devices, viewability or VCR and VTR optimisation, premium quality inventory, or relevant content.

icon for performance


Performance-driving Inventory Packages can maximise Volume Incentive savings to reduce CPA, optimise efficiency, control CPMs and supply quality, or achieve scale.

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